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Lots of developers work with open source, but only a tiny fraction of those are good enough to get software that was designed for one platform to work on another one.
We invented CrossOver software - a unique approach to cross-platform compatibility that does not require dual-boot or another OS license. And we launched ExecMode to help organizations solve really ugly technical challenges. Last Modified From To. Reset Search Submit Search. StatGraphics Plus 5. Statistical package for multivariate analysis, regression, etc.
Ugly, but comprehensive. About Ratings Rating Breakdown Advocates. Install Now. Buy Now. App Id. The StatAdvisor makes statistical output understandable by individuals who may not be professional statisticians. It explains the critical insights to be gained from each output table, explaining the significance or lack thereof of the results. StatAdvisor output is perfect for pasting into a report to disseminate to others. Quality Management and Improvement.
Quality improvement made simple. Need SPC? Effortlessly kick your quality projects up a notch. Control multiple process variables simultaneously with the new dashboard that generates alerts when unusual events occur. See our wide selection of tools for quality assessment, capability analysis, control charts, gage studies, acceptance sampling, Monte Carlo simulation, and Lean Six Sigma. Design of Experiments Wizard.
Breeze through projects. Reduce costs. The DOE Wizard steps you through each stage of the experimental design process.
Version 19 adds alias optimal designs to its extensive catalog of screening, response surface, mixture and RPD experiments. It also adds the ability to augment existing experiments by adding runs in such a way that design efficiency is optimized. Statgraphics Technologies, Inc. The seminars are appropriate for both new and advanced users. Statgraphics and its dealers are dedicated to providing first-class technical support.
Our support specialists are also available by e-mail or phone and are highly knowledgeable about both Statgraphics and statistical methods. Before release of each new version, extensive tests are performed to ensure that the program operates properly. For users needing to validate the statistical results for regulatory agencies, we will be happy to cooperate in providing information about our software and development procedures.
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