Forest stewardship council certification program
Twenty-seven of Wisconsin's 30 county forests are currently certificated under the standards of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative, the Forest Stewardship Council or both. Independent, third-party certification means management of the county forests meets strict standards for ecological, social and economic sustainability. The table below displays the location and acreage of all certified county forest lands in the state. County Forest Certification. Timber Sales. The possibility of new markets for products produced as Forest Stewardship Council.
The ability to benefit from local, national or international government support for responsible forest management. FSC certification vastly reduces the risk of being confronted with illegal timber, and thus reduces the risk of reputation damage that would follow. In addition, national, regional and local governments increasingly reference FSC as one way to comply with their public procurement policies as they seek products that support sustainable forest management.
Besides forest certification, the FSC maintains a certified chain of custody system that tracks timber through every stage of the process, from forest to retailer. Purchasing timber with an FSC certification assures you that dwindling forests werent harmed by its harvesting and helps to support sustainable forest management. Cemarkingindia is one of the leading consultancy for providing FSC Certification. We are backed by a team of professionals, who are well-experienced in the domain and work extremely hard to complete each and every requirement of our valuable customers.
Our professionals are hired on the basis of their educational qualification, years of industry experience and technical knowledge. To enhance the skills and knowledge of our experts, we conduct several seminars, training sessions and workshops, on a regular basis.
Our team is highly focused on meeting the diversified requirements of our clients. About us. A global network of independent service companies. Who we are History Our approach Sustainability Global presence. Our services. Certification programs.
Providing options for sustainable sourcing. Custom programs Certification procedures Publications Certification programs How Certifications works. Solutions tailored for a range of supply chains. Forest Management Certification gives the public reassurance that timber products originating from a forest are managed in a responsible and sustainable way - something that is becoming increasingly important.